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Personalised Gifting

The Brief

A Gift of Happiness approached us intending to rebuild their existing website to create a better online store that would effectively showcase their product offerings. The existing website lacked intuitiveness, making it challenging for staff to navigate and manage in-house. Our team recognised the importance of optimising user experience for both the customers and the staff members while also incorporating essential features such as e-commerce development and bespoke product personalisation.

Our objectives

Our primary objective was to design and develop a new website to enhance the overall user experience and streamline the client’s e-commerce operations. We aimed to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface that would attract potential customers and improve staff usability for in-house management. By implementing a comprehensive sitemap and information architecture, we aimed to create a website structure that would facilitate easy navigation and efficient management of products and orders.

Website Design

To improve the overall visual appeal and user experience, our team designed a modern and visually appealing website layout. We incorporated a clean and attractive design that aligned with the client’s branding and product offerings, making it visually engaging for new and returning customers.

WordPress Development

Leveraging WordPress’s flexibility and ease of use, we developed the website on this popular CMS platform. This allowed us to deliver a user-friendly content management system that the client can now easily update and modify various aspects of their website.

E-Commerce Development

We implemented robust e-commerce functionalities, integrating a secure payment gateway and a seamless checkout process. This enabled customers to easily browse and purchase products from the client’s online store.

Bespoke Product Personalisation

Responding to the client’s requirement for personalised product offerings, we developed custom features allowing users to enter their unique information. This bespoke personalisation feature further enhanced customer engagement and satisfaction, elevating the shopping experience.

Comprehensive Sitemap and Information Architecture

Our team devised a well-organised Wireframes and information architecture that improved the website’s navigation. By carefully categorising products and creating logical sections, we ensured that users could easily find what they were looking for and increasing the overall conversion rate of the website.

On-page & Technical SEO

To enhance the website’s visibility and search engine rankings, we implemented on-page optimisation techniques and ensured the website adhered to technical SEO best practices. This provided better organic search visibility and increased our client’s website traffic.

What we achieved

We successfully delivered a new website that addressed the client’s challenges and provided them with an intuitive and visually appealing online store. The revamped website now boasts improved in-house staff usability, better customer navigation, and enhanced e-commerce functionalities. Our work has helped the client showcase their product offerings more effectively and improved their online presence, resulting in increased customer engagement and sales.

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